Collector’s Encyclopedia of Madame Alexander Dolls 1948-1965 by Linda Crowsey


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Concentrating on Cissy, Lissy, Cissette, Alexander-Kins, Little Genius, and Elise, this book continues the theme of the late Patricia Smith’s Encyclopedia of Madame Alexander Dolls, 1965-1990, which was a great seller for many years. This encyclopedia spans the years 1948 through 1965, which covers the vintage hard plastic dolls of the golden era of Madame Alexander dolls. Most of the highest valued dolls today were made during this period. The dolls from this era consistently win top honors in competition at the national conventions of the Madame Alexander Doll Club. Many of the dolls that began in this period (Cissy, Wendy, and Cissette) are the center of the Madame Alexander line today, after a time span of almost 50 years. You won’t want to miss this exhaustive resource on the dolls made by the Madame Alexander Doll Company. 2006 values.
208 pages.
Published August 2005
ISBN: 9781574324440

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Weight0.00 kg


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