22831 Coca Cola Barbie (Waitress/Car Hop)


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SKU: 22831 Category: Brand:


You’ll surely want fries with your COKE®, when Barbie® doll greets you in her COKE® red and white uniform with matching gingham print trim. Capturing a slice of American pie, Barbie® looks as nostalgic as the COCA-COLA® trademarks adorning her apron, waitress cap and “bottle-top” serving tray. The front of her uniform sports a Barbie® monogram and cute little attached gingham print hankie. Reminiscent of the times, Barbie® wears black and white saddle shoes, a playful ponytail, and smiles eagerly with her “writing tablet” ready.

Car not included. Doll holds tray in right hand.

COCA-COLA® and COKE® brand dolls are produced under the authority of The Coca-Cola Company, owner of the trademarks COCA-COLA, COKE, the Dynamic Ribbon device, the Red Disc Icon and the design of the contour bottle. ©2001 The Coca-Cola Company. All Rights Reserved.

Additional information

Weight0.00 kg


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